As seen on Forbes I Homeschooling In The Kitchen

As seen on Forbes I Homeschooling In The Kitchen

Andrea Bernholz, who is the owner and designer of Swiminista is homeschooling her daughter in the kitchen. “We chose this space because it is centrally located, and it is easy to lend a hand with school work, as we are always in the kitchen,” she says. “I can make breakfast or prepare meals as she does her assignments.”

Bernholtz carved out a space that’s equally kid and adult-friendly by adding a few key pieces to make to maximize function, including a vintage desk. The mid century modern console was another vintage find purchased on 1st Dibs. Bernholtz went with closed cabinets as opposed to open shelving because it’s easier to maintain order. “The look is easy to achieve and very functional as the cabinet doors help keep things organized and uncluttered.”

Her advice for other parents is to avoid spending extra cash on items that a child will soon grow out of. “Amazon has many learning wall charts, Ikea has small table and chair [sets] as well as cabinets,” she says.

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